Saturday, August 3, 2013

How To: Make Your Perfume / Fragrance Last All Day

Have you ever spritzed on your favorite fragrance & a few hours later, noticed that the scent has vanished?!? I know I have! & it can be a real PAIN! Who doesn't want to smell good? ..with these tips & tricks, I'm going to help you smell amazing all day long!

1) Pulse Points
Spraying fragrance on your pulse points can help to make it last longer AND smell stronger! Mist on your inner wrists, neck, chest, folds of the knees and elbows, & even behind your ears. These areas give off heat, and disperse the scent. 

2) Don't Get Dressed First!
It is best to apply your fragrance before you dress! Perfume is more effective when applied directly to the skin rather than on top of clothing. The scents are activated by heat, which comes from our bodies. In some cases you should avoid spraying fragrances directly onto clothes because sometimes they can actually stain them!

3) Body Lotion
Before you spritz, apply some unscented body lotion to the areas you plan to put fragrance on. This will capture the scent so it doesn't evaporate & make it last ALL DAY LONG!!

4) Layer Your Fragrance
Layering different products of the same scent can very effectively help it last much longer! Try shopping for a fragrance that comes in a shower gel, scented body lotion, and a fragrance & apply in that order. When one wears off, the other(s) will still be working to keep you smelling fresh!

5) Keep The Season in Mind
As I said before, heat activates the fragrances.. But it also causes it to evaporate faster! So in the summer, apply a small amount every few hours as needed, & in the winter, do the opposite & apply a little more at one time & reapply less frequently.

Extra Tips:

  • Applying a scent to freshly washed hair can last for days!
  • When applying fragrance to your wrists, don't rub them together! It can bruise the scent of the perfume. Instead of rubbing, TAP your wrists together a few times.
  • Ever notice how everyone has their own special scent? Well, our fragrances work together with our body scent & that can change up the scent of the fragrance. In other words, you may love the way a perfume smells on a friend & when you use it, it smells completely different.. Which can be a good or bad thing! Don't always expect to use a fragrance that smells wonderful on someone else, & have it smell the same way on your body.
  • Test fragrances before you buy them! While shopping for a fragrance, spritz a small amount on your wrist & walk around for a little while. You can't judge a fragrance on the initial scent. You have to wait & see how well it works with your body.
  • When choosing a fragrance, bring some coffee beans along to smell in between each one. It may sound crazy, but after smelling a perfume, some of the scent can linger in your nose! Taking a whiff of the coffee beans will clean out any leftover scents in your nose so you can smell the next one properly. Sometimes the stores provide them for you.
  • Heat activates your fragrance and as we all know, heat rises. Spray a little around your waist or on your lower back so the scent will rise up in the air.
I hope this helped! If you have any questions or suggestions for what I should post about next please comment below! Have a wonderful smelling day! :)

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